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Sample Practices
Tier One: The Foundation – Empowering the Self
Setting Intent
Focused Meditation Techniques
Increasing Energy
Storing Personal Power
Raising Vibration and Energetic Frequency
Mindfulness Practices
Energy Diffusion and Drain
Recapitulation and Inversion
Tier Two: Shifting Focus Outward – Away from the Self
Bodhicitta Motivation
The Six Antidotes to Your Old Self
Peeling Away to Essence: You vs. Your Experience
Hacking the Matrix: You vs. Your Perceptions
Tier Three: Reframing the Self
Building Energetic Bridges
Multidimensional Assistance
Higher Vibrational Practices
Tier Four: Beyond the Limited Self
Theta Wave Meditation
Non-Doing Meditations
The Great Perfection
Collapsing Time and Space; Unity
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